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Breaking news - Bob Eco signed a 200 Million Dollar Deal with Jincheng-Suzuki

On the picture: Bjorn de Jong (in orange) on behalf of Bob Eco together with representatives fo lawfirm Dentons and Jincheng-Suzuki
Together with our household law firm Dentons, we have further expanded the supine basis with Suzuki (Jincheng) by extending and further formalizing the existing agreements.
When we started the development and started with the purchase, we were a relatively small customer, as usual, factories are not impressed with plans and ideas, but they adhere to the healthy "see first, then believe" mentality. In the meantime, due to the enormous efforts of the BoB Team, this sentiment has completely changed and Jincheng-Suzuki is convinced of the (success) opportunities of BoB in Africa.
By setting up not 1 but 2 production lines, further developing the product, but also the development of the charging stations (very valuable in the middle and longer term) all parties are very satisfied with our progress.
The contracts now hit volumes reaching the 200,000 units per year and this of course includes our exclusivity but also a number of extra points of support from their (powerful and influential) side.
Suzuki-Jincheng will also support BoB to set up local assembly plants in Africa. They are already based in 5 countries where we can count on their support for our concept. It has been agreed that we will continue to develop our product together in order to stay one step ahead of any competitor. We made an agreement that they will open up their dealer network to us. Then, in addition to our own “compounds”, we can also have our motorcycles made available through hundreds third party sellers in emerging markets.
Something very valuable for us is that our own data collection can now be fully merged and integrated in our app. The GPS and the software in the motorcycles collect a lot of data, even more than we had initially anticipated. This greatly helps us to adapt to the product development to improve the local needs.
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