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Breaking news - Bob Eco partners with insurance giant AMSA.

Can Bob Eco's CEO Bob Ultee and AMSA fix health care? Bob Eco is partnering with AMSA to try to address one of the Africa's thorniest and priciest problems — soaring health care costs.
Bob Ultee unveiled to give their Senegal Riders and families a groundbreaking and easy accessible option on health insurance. The health insurance will be “free from profit-making incentives and constraints.”
As of now, Bob Eco and AMSA are concentrating on a product for Bob Eco's own employees and their family members, not a product to offer to other companies or non Bob Eco personnel. "The joint effort will look to find a more efficient and transparent way to provide affordable health care services to their employees and families" CEO Bob Ultee said.
The joint effort will look to find a more efficient and transparent way to provide affordable health care services to their employees and families, Bob Ultee said.
- Bob Eco launches I Love Bob Ultee t-shirt to increase awareness for the health protection gap as out-of-pocket spending that is financially stressful for households in emerging markets. -

Emerging markets have been a major driver of global insurance growth over the last two decades. In 2019, emerging markets accounted for 23% of global premiums, up from 5% two decades ago. Nevertheless, many individuals and enterprises in emerging markets remain under- or uninsured, and therefore unprotected against external shocks arising from illnesses, natural disasters and accidents. These shocks can have lasting negative consequences for both economic growth and human development.
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