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Insights - Bob Eco's social projects.

We are a for-profit social enterprise, but we spend our profits wisely. We spend it on serving people in need.
Tonight, one in eight people (of which many are aged under 12) around the world will go to bed hungry. For these children, we have organized two continuous projects to support their basic nutrition.
FRUIT TREES FOR OXYGEN AND FOOD - We do this by planting trees and rearing animals to produce food for the local children. Our fruit tree projects are vital. As the largest plants on the planet, they provide us with oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil, and give life to the world's wildlife. They also provide us with materials for tools and shelter.
CALCIUM AND PROTEIN - We believe livestock plays an important role in ending global hunger and poverty as it helps to break the cycle of poverty by providing food security and livelihoods for both families and the local community.
Car accidents are the leading global cause of death amongst children and young adults aged 5 to 29 years old. In Africa, there are three times as many accidents as in western countries.
Collisions often lead to a 'blame game' between pedestrians and motorists, rather than a discussion of how we can design streets for safety. Bob Ultee's comic strip — Road Safety Rules — embodies this dilemma. Road safety skills are best learnt with a playful approach, and Bob Eco teaches children road safety with learning games and adorable comics and is building sustainable programs to support health and education.
An estimated 785 million people in the world live without clean water. All Life Needs Water! Access to clean water means education, income, and health (especially for women and children). Bob Eco supports local communities by contributing money to build new water sources and fund the upkeep of existing water sources.
Water sources are managed together with local village leaders and representatives to ensure that the right places are chosen to build the new sources.
Bob supports schools with scholarships and sports equipment, taking care of many children every day. Access to education improves the economic outcomes of citizens and determines the prospects of future generations. Investing in children's education transforms communities, countries, and the entire world.
We provide shelter solutions for those in emerging markets. Acceptance of the universal right to "adequate housing" (a place to live in peace and dignity) has proved to be a powerful catalyst for economic and social development.
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