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Bobmobile is now also offering ETH and BNB.

To facilitate transfers and payment in Bobcoin through the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, Bobmobile is now also offering the purchase of BNB and ETH. These tokens will allow users to send Bobcoin from their decentralised wallets to other wallets and exchanges.
Currently, Bobmobile only offers the chain's native tokens as a facility to the Bobmobile users and therefore caps the maximum purchase of these tokens on $30,00 worth of ETH or BNB.
Why would you want to buy BNB or ETH?
These two coins are the Ethereum Blockchain's and Binance Smart Chain's native tokens used to pay for gas fees to let users transfer tokens and swap tokens on DEXes. Also, these tokens can be used to add liquidity to a decentralised exchange to start earning on Bobcoin swaps.
Why only $30?? I want to buy more!
The $30 cap is because of the use case of Bobmobile. Bobmobile offers users the option to buy Bobcoin as a utility token for users of the Bob Ecosystem; BNB and ETH are necessary to perform transfers of BOBC on the two chains. Allowing users to buy more could lead to users wishing to buy only these tokens for other reasons.
Selling BNB and ETH in more significant quantities would increase the risk of money laundering and fraud. Now Bobmobile works with an integrated KYC check linked to STO-Cap, to verify the user's identity and to process transfers quickly and safely. This makes it easy to buy tokens in a safe and decentralised manner quickly.
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