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Breaking | BOBC holders get 20 percent discount on solar panels

Longer delivery times for solar panels after the surge in energy prices across Europe! Last year, the period between application and installation was 6 weeks. Now it is 12 to 24 weeks. "Fortunately, most customers have patience," Bob Ultee (CEO of Bob Eco) said.
Currently, it is not easy for a person living in Europe to install solar panels because there is no active stock available since every supplier is sold out. Bobsolar bought a large bulk of solar panels months ago and is therefore able to deliver a large quantity of all-black solar panels to provide panels for clients.
Now Bobsolar is providing a one-time offer for Bobcoin holders living in the Netherlands and Belgium. All Bobcoin holders can get solar panels installed with a 20% percent discount! Of course, we will start with a completely free-of-charge visit to your house to discover the monthly savings you can make.
Are you a Bobcoin holder living in the Netherlands or Belgium? Contact us now and get a 20% discount on your Solar panels.
Visit us here and get 20 percent discount
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