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Electric tricycles are helping women find economic empowerment.

Tough, sturdy, renewable energy charged lithium powered tricycles, backstopped by Bob Eco, provide an avenue for marginalised and poor families to overcome distances to services and contribute to dynamic local economies. Powered through community based off grid energy supply, e-tricycles will provide the incentive for increased economic opportunities, creating new local markets and enhancing rural livelihoods.
With the advent of the revolution in renewable energy and enormous global investment in electric transport, there is no reason the world’s poorest people should be bypassed. Bob Eco has already acknowledged the urgent need for countries to transition from fossil fuel to green technology. If we are to succeed in reducing global warming, we need to make sure that transition happens in both rich and poor countries.
The situation
In many parts of rural Africa, neither regular supplies of energy or petrol are available. This means most transport is expensive, often unreliable and doesn’t reach many rural off-road areas. The growing availability of low-cost renewable energy, along with the huge investment in battery technology to drive vehicles, means we have the potential to transform rural areas. Like with the advent of digital technology, Africa can leapfrog its development to benefit from these new technological opportunities.
Our community model
The target market for Bob Eco is women living under $3 per day. Nearly 80 percent of the farmland in sub-Saharan Africa is managed by smallholders and almost 50 percent are women. Smallholders provide up to 80 percent of the food supply sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to the social impact, we will reduce carbon emissions through providing green energy, to creating rural off grid energy to stimulate new economic activities.
Providing quality renewable electric tricycles built for a rural environment.
By leveraging technological know-how and manufacturing skills from the revolution taking place in electric transport, Bob Eco will produce affordable quality renewable electric tricycles built for a rural off road environment. Branded under “BoB" coloured in orange, the transport will be designed to cater to the user’s need for local mobility, provide long term and low interest financing to make them accessible and invest in the longer term off grid community based renewable power solutions.
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