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Nearly half of all child deaths under 5 are caused by malnutrition.

Can you imagine being unable to afford to buy food for your children?
Poverty-stricken parents face this heartbreaking predicament every day throughout Africa. Without an education or the opportunity to earn anything close to a living wage, they simply can’t afford the nutrition their children need to develop. For little ones, this lack of nutrition can quickly become lethal.
In Eastern Africa – countries that have the highest rates of child malnutrition in the world – The harsh reality for these poor families is that if they cannot grow enough food or earn enough money to buy food, they are left to hope for a miracle of compassion.
This is where Bob steps in. Bob provides lifesaving food for malnourished children and destitute families in need of support. Bob provides food at nutritional centers, clinics, churches and feeding programs in desperately poor communities.
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