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Breaking news - Bob Eco to raise production capacity.

Stiff competition leads Bob Eco's two-wheeler to boost capacity!
Bob Eco Ltd. has announced plans to enhance the production capacity of two-wheelers and three-wheelers to capitalise on positive developments happening in the sector, CEO Bob Ultee said.
Over the last 6 months, there has been an up-surge in two and three wheeler demand in Eastern Africa. Mr. Utlee said.
Our goal is only one. We have to become a bigger, better and stronger motorcycle manufacturer on a global basis. Our every move is aimed at going up the value chain. We want to increase our market share in emerging markets while maintaining good profitability,” Bob Ultee said.
To realise this, Mr Ultee said Bob Eco would first look at exporting as many units as possible. The company is adding on new geographies every six months, particularly in Latin America and West Africa are on the expansion focus list.
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