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A green planet with shared mobility by everyone, for everyone.

Become a part of Bob Rental fleet of electric vehicles and contribute towards greener, more livable, and sustainable cities!
Our ultimate aim is to make shared electric mobility solutions available to everybody. We focus on shifting from traditional transport, when everybody uses their car, to ecologically friendly, convenient shared electric vehicle.
Contribution to the community
Our committed team educates people on safe riding and parking by prioritizing the protection of all participants in road traffic.
Join our movement right now!
The era of micromobility has already started to play a significant role in creating the future city of renewable energy. We are looking for ways to fulfill all cities' requirements, so we hasten the shift to a shared Bob Rental fleet of electric vehicles and collaborate with local entrepreneurs.
Want to become a partner of Bobrental?
We are always open to sustainable partnerships, click here to contact us.
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The Press-team is available to answer request for information,interviews, filmmaking request and contacts with BoB and its affiliates