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Video | How Bob Helmets Are Made.

Helmets play a crucial role in minimising the risk of injuries.
Learn about the fascinating process of crafting the Bob Helmet in the attached video.
A significant batch of these helmets is set to be distributed to the Philippines, South Africa, and Angola. The Bob helmet may have a retro appearance, but its performance is anything but outdated. Packed with the latest technology inside and out, the Bob helmet not only secures your head but also embodies a unique style.
Bob is committed to promoting road safety in emerging markets and aims to provide a safe and affordable solution. As part of this global initiative, Bob Eco has announced its plan to supply safe and economical helmets for motorized two-wheelers in African countries. Working with local partners, tens of thousands of certified helmets will be made available, contributing to the reduction of motorcycle-related fatalities in line with the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. Studies have shown that wearing helmets is one of the most effective interventions for road safety, reducing the incidence of head injuries among motorcyclists by approximately 45%.
Given the increasing number of road accidents leading to fatalities, the Africa helmet market is expected to experience substantial growth in the coming years. The rising demand for helmets for safety purposes is driving the motorcycle helmet market forward."
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